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Reviewer Policy

  1. Purpose and Scope: The Journal of Humanities, Education and Cultural Reforms (JHECR) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of peer review to ensure quality, integrity, and relevance of published research. This policy outlines the responsibilities, expectations, and processes for reviewers contributing to JHECR.
  2. Reviewer Responsibilities: Reviewers play a crucial role in the peer review process, providing objective and constructive evaluations of manuscripts submitted to JHECR. Reviewers are expected to:
    • Confidentiality: Maintain strict confidentiality of the manuscript. Do not share, discuss, or disclose any information about the manuscript with anyone outside the editorial process.
    • Objectivity and Impartiality: Provide unbiased assessments based on scientific merit, originality, clarity, and relevance. Disclose any personal biases or conflicts of interest.
    • Timeliness: Complete the review within the timeframe. If additional time is needed, inform the editorial office promptly.
    • Constructive Feedback: Offer clear, detailed, and constructive feedback to improve the manuscript's quality. Highlight strengths and provide suggestions for improvement where appropriate.
    • Ethical Considerations: Identify any ethical concerns, such as plagiarism or data fabrication, and report them to the editor immediately.
  3. Conflict of Interest: Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts that could bias their review, including financial, institutional, or personal relationships with the authors or affiliated institutions. In such cases, reviewers should recuse themselves.
  4. Review Process
    • Invitation: Reviewers are invited by the editorial team based on their expertise. The invitation includes the manuscript title, abstract, and expected review deadline.
    • Acceptance or Decline: Reviewers should promptly accept or decline the review. If declining, they are encouraged to suggest alternative reviewers with appropriate expertise.
    • Review Report: Submit a detailed report through the journal’s online system, including a summary of the manuscript, assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations for improvement or acceptance/rejection.
    • Decision Recommendations: Reviewers should recommend one of the following:
      • Accept
      • Minor Revisions
      • Major Revisions
      • Reject